quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2011

Phrasal Verbs with OUT

If you ask someone out, you invite them out on a date (with the hope of romance between you.)

· I want to ask her out but I am too shy.

· He asked me out on Friday but I told him I had to wash my hair.

If you cut something out, you no longer do it/ eat it etc.

· My doctor told me to cut out dairy products.

· I cut out going to the gym because I did not have the time and now I am fat.

If you eat out, you go to a restaurant.

· He never cooks and always eats out or has a takeaway.

· For my birthday, I would like to eat out somewhere nice.

If you jump out, you come out quickly and suddenly.

· I was walking quietly down the street when this young man jumped out in front of me.

· Stop the car at the corner and I will jump out.

If you keep someone out, you prevent them from entering.

· There is extra security today to keep the protestors out.

· Please keep out of my office. I need some peace and quiet.

If you leave something out, you do not mention it.

· Did you leave anything out or is that the whole story?

· It is just a summary. I left out a lot of the details.

If something slips out, it escapes quickly and quietly.

· I have slipped out of the meeting for a few minutes but I must get back.

· I did not intend to tell him. It just slipped out.

If you squeeze something out , you get it out using force or pressure.

· I can never squeeze out that last bit of toothpaste from the tube.

· I managed to squeeze out of her that the job was offered to Alain.

If you stay out, you do not come home.

· I stayed out all night and I feel terrible.

· We stayed out celebrating until the early hours.

If you walk out , you leave as a sign of protest.

· When we heard their derisory offer, we walked out of the meeting.

· This presentation is dreadful. I have a good mind to walk out.

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