quinta-feira, 22 de abril de 2010


Hellyeah dudes and chicks,
Hoje vamos falar um pouco sobre gírias (aeee finalmente teacher), sim eu sei.
Bom gente esse é um trabalho ingrato, porque enquanto eu preparava isto tudo já mudou, porque as gírias (slangs) são a parte mais viva de uma língua, elas mudam o tempo todo, mas mesmo assim vamos tentar.
Abaixo eu colocar umas gírias, seus significados em inglês, uma tentativa de tradução e um exemplo. Se preparem, prendam a respiração...é isso ae mano:

Big deal

Important thing, event or whatever; Alguma coisa importante;

don't worry, that ain't no big deal!"

Or even sarcastically; Usando sarcasmo;

"A: Hey dude, Bush is really sick!

B: Really?! That's a big deal!...come on man! I don't give a shit!"


Something very cool; Alguma coisa muito boa;

"Didn't you go to the party?! We had a blast!"

"This weekend concert is going to be a blast!"


To be unsuccessful; Falhar;

"You can't believe I bombed my drivers test"

Blow it off

To ignore someone or something; Ignorar alguma coisa ou alguém;

"Man...look who's here...let's blow him off!"

blue or have the blues

Feel depressed, sad; Se sentir depressivo, triste;

"There was no beer when I openned the fridge in the morning....uh...it made me feeling blue."


Nonexistent, fake; Falso, que não existe;

"A: I've heard the man going to the moon is a bogus.

B: No man! That is a bogus!"

Bad, awful, unsatisfactory; Ruim, insatisfatório;

"A: Man, it's your turn to drive, it means no brew for you!

B: What a fuck?! Bogus!"


A location far away from any major town; Lugar muito longe, fim de mundo;

"Where are we going?Boondocks? You don't have a house, you have a hideout!"

Born again

Someone holds strong, fundamentalist, Christian beliefs; Cristão fundamentalista;

"A: Today I met Cris, he preached for hours, bogus!

B: Yeah, he's such a born again!"

Bounce a check

To overdraw a checking account; Estourar os limites bancários;

"Man, I need some money! I've got three bounced checks!"


Having no money; Estar sem grana;

"No party this weekend, I'm broke!"

Friend; Amigo;

"A: Hey buddy!

B: Hey dude!"

Bum something

Get something for free; Cerrar, pegar sem pagar;

"This guy sucks. He is always bumming my cigarettes."


Rejected, insulted, or otherwise negatively treated; Rejeitado, insultado ou mal tratado;

"You ask me why did I burn that guy,come on, he's such an emo."

Burned out

Exhausted, dull or lifeless; Exausto, muito cansado;

"That was hard work, I'm burned out."


To be caught by the police; Ser pego pela polícia;

"The guy was busted with 5 pounds of weed, someone is not partying this weekend!"

To be “broke”, out of money; estar quebrado, sem grana;

"My bills are all due/ and my baby needs shoe and I'm busted."

Check it out

To look over a situation; Olha isso!!!!! Se liga nisso!!!!;

"A: Man!!! Check it out!

B: What man?! There's nothing here...You're stoned!

A: Yeah...I am...Blow it off man, blow it off!"

chill out or cool it

A command to stop what you are doing, relax; Relaxa, fica na boa!

"Chill out man!!! Or I'll break every bone in your body and make you swallow your own balls!"

Cop out

To not face the issue; Não encarar um problema;

"A: Teacher, my dog ate my homework.

B: That's the worst cop out I've heard."

Couch potato

A lazy person, usually fat; Uma pessoa preguiçosa, sedentária;

"Exercising?!! Come on...you know I'm a fucking couch potato!"


To study frantically the night before a test; Estudar loucamente na noite anterior à uma prova;

"Hell!!!I've gotta cram out this test!"


To go to sleep after becoming extremely tired; Dormir depois de estar muito cansado, popular desmaiar de sono;

"...I was having class, but then I completely crashed."


Driving around for pleasure with no particular destination; Dar um rolê de carro;

"A:What's up man?

B:Nothing much, let's go cruising?"

To have a crush on someone

To be extremely in love; Estar muito apaixonado;

"A: Do you still have a crush on that girl?

B: No...it's over.........Ok, yeah I do!"

Cut it out!

Stop it!; Para com isso!;

"A: Man you can't do it, it ain't nice...

B:Cut it out man! I don't give a shit!"

Down in the dumps

Depressed; Depressivo;

"A: How are you doing?

B: I'm down in the dumps.

A:Fuck that! Cheer it up man!"

Drop in

To visit unexpectedly; Visitar inesperadamente;

"I hate when my family drops in, there's no time to hide!"


The same as man, guy etc; Cara, mano, véio etc;

"A: Hey dude, don't let it down...

B:It's Jude, not dude!

A: Fuck off Dude!"

Fire up

To get excited about something; Ficar animado, empolgado;

"A: I'm fired up about this Metallica's concert!"

Fix up

To arrange a date for a friend;Arranjar um encontro para um amigo;

"Man....please fix me up with that girl!"

Fed up or sick of

Disgusted with, tired of; cansado de alguma coisa, de saco cheio com alguma coisa;

"I'll tell ya man, I'm fed up with this BBB shit.I'm really sick of it all."

Freak out

To lose control of oneself; Perder o controle;

"Did you see that??? The cop freaked out!"


Unattractive, unstylish, socially inept person; Um tipo de nerd fissurado em tecnologia e jogos;

"A: The Google's guys are genious!

B: No, they're fuckings geeks!"

Get a kick out of someone/something

Find someone or something amusing or enjoyable; Achar alguma coisa legal ou interessante;

"Boy...I get a kick of watching that bay watch girls!"

Get on someone’s case

To annoy; Encher o saco;

"Man, don't get on my case, or I'll rip off your nuts and shove them down your throat!"

Get off someone’s case

To stop annoying; Parar de encher o saco;

"A:Get off my case man, or...

B: Or what??

A:...I'll call my mom!"

Give me a break!

To stop bothering a person, or express disbelief; Dá um tempo!;

"A: You've gotta have your hair cut, and to dress up properly and...

B: Give me a fucking break!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Give someone a buzz

to call someone on the telephone; Telefonar para uma pessoa;

"Talk to you later then...Kisses, Give me a buzz!"

Goofing off
Acting silly; Bancar o idiota;

"A: What the hell is this guy doing?

B: He's goofing off.

A: Uhm...."

Give up

To quit; Desistir;

"Get up, stand up: Don't give up the fight!"(Bob Marley, Get UpStand Up)

Go bananas
To be so excited that one loses control of oneself; Ficar animado à ponto de perder o controle;

"Dude...when Metallica entered the stage I went bananas!"

Hang out

To waste time, spend some time; Perder tempo, gastar um tempo;

"A: Where's Bob?

B: He's hanging out with his girlfriend."


Someone from a small town or rural area; Caipira;

"A: What's with this George B.?

B: Not much, he's just a fucking hick."

Hit the road

To leave a place; Sair de um lugar, "sair fora";

"Hit the road Jack, and don't yo come back no more, no more...."(Ray Charles, Hit the road Jack)

Hit the sack or turn in

To go to bed; Ir dormir;

"I'm exausted, I'm hitting the sack!"

Hitch a ride

To get a ride from another person; Pegar carona;

"A: Hey boy, are you passing by the subway?

B: Yeppers.

A: I'm gonna hitch a ride then!"


Sex appealed person; Gostosa, gostoso para pessoas;

"WOW...that chick is hot!"

Hung up on

When all you think about is one person; Quando você
só pensa em uma pessoa;

"I'm so hung up on that girl, being in love sucks!"

In a nutshell

1)Very briefly and concisely; Resumindo;

"In a nutshell, Hellyeah is the best blog ever!"

2)Stuck, cornered; Encurralado, sem saída;

"What a situation! Now, I'm in a nutshell!"


Person who cannot do things correctly; Burro;

"Don't fucking listen to him, he's a jerk!"

Jerk off

Male masturbation; Masturbação masculina, punheta;

"Boy, you should relax, meet some chicks, stop jerking off..."

Knock it off! Stop doing that!

Usually expressed when you are doing something annoying; Para com isso!;

"You've been singing it for the whole day, come on, knock this shit off!"

Lighten up! Loosen up!

Relax, don’t be so serious; Relaxa!;

"A: Come on boy, lighten up, I'm just joking!

B: I'll ligh your ass up!"


1)Someone who has had too much to drink; Bebado;

"Stand up bro! Fuck that, you're so loaded!"

2)Someone who has a lot of money; Rico;

"A: Have you seen his new car? It's a porshe!

B: Yeah, he's pretty loaded!"

Lose it

To lose control of oneself; Perder o controle;

"A: Chill out dude!

B: Sorry, I lost it"

Mind your own business!

Do not ask questions or make statements; Cuida da sua vida;

"A: Man, why did you go out yesterday?

B: Mind your own business, bitch!"

On the house

Free, no cost; Na faixa;

"Ok, next beer is on the house.NOT!"

Out of one’s mind (head)

Crazy, doing something ridiculous; Louco, fazendo alguma coisa ridícula;

"This guy is out of his mind!"

Pig out
Overeat; Comer demais;

"The food was delicious, so I completelly pigged out!"

Psych up

Prepare oneself mentally or emotionally for something; Preparar emocionalmente.

"A: Have you broken up with your boo?

B: Not yet, I'm psyching her up."

Pull someone’s leg

To tease; Provocar;

"People who pull my leg end up with no legs at all!"


Someone from a small town or rural area; Caipira;

"Bush! He's such a redneck!"

Rip off

Steal; Roubo;

"This Picasso car is a rip off!"


Condom; Camisinha;

"Avoid problems...use the rubber!"


Be quiet, don’t make so much noise; Silêncio!;


A lazy, fat person; Uma pessoa gorda, preguiçosa;

"Don't call me slob!...I'm only saving energy!"


Unable to concentrate; Viajando, não conseguir se concentrar;

"Boy!!!You're so spaced! What did you smoke?"

Take a hike!

Go away and leave me alone; Sai fora!;

"A:C'mon you never do anything in the house and blablabla...

B: You know what?

A: What?

B: Take a hike!"

To be crazy about

To like someone or something very much; Gostar muito de algo ou de alguém;

"A:I'm crazy about being crazy about! I'm an enthusiastic!

B: Shut up!You're crazy about my ass!"

To be into something

To be very interested in; Estar muito interessado;

"I'm really into this vodka thing!"


Unbelievable; Inacreditável;

"A: I met Megan Fox this weekend!


A: Yes, it really is not true."

Way to go!

That’s very good!; Que legal!;

"A:Yesterday I bought the porshe i told you! Let's ride?

B: That's the way to go!"

What’s up? Sup? Wassup? Wazzup?

What’s happening? What’s going on? What event is taking place? What are you doing?; E ae?? Qual são as novidades?;

"A: Sup bro?

B: Not much dude."

Zero in on

To focus or concentrate on; Concentrar;

"A: I'm not getting it...

B: C'mon boy, zero in on this shit!"

Zonked or zonkered

Completely exhausted; Completamente exausto, pregado;

"What a day! I'm zonked!"

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