segunda-feira, 22 de março de 2010


Saudações amiguinhos,

Nesse post iremos falar de
prepositions. Mas o que diabos é prepositions??? Calma,
já iremos resolver.

Resolvi montar esse
tópico porque:I’m ___ São Paulo.

A:Teacher...qual a gente usa? In? At? On?...???

B: Esse assunto é coisa para horas de aula....blablablabla....

AEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chegou a hora.

Primeiro vamos falar do IN:

Vamos usar o in para falar de:

Meses: “My birthday is in March!”

Anos: “Hebe was born in 2000 before Christ.”

Estações: “Aquaman lives in SP in the rainy season.”

Partes do dia: “I got up in the morning and I gave myself a beer!”

Cidades: “When I was young in Barbacena…”

Estados: “Aquaman lives in SP in the rainy season.”

Países: “In URSS, the English studies you!”

Continentes: “We’re all living in America, America is wunderbar.”

Quando você esta localizando alguma coisa (dentro): “The beer is in my stomach”

In URSS, the horse
rides you!

Agora de ON:

Dias da semana: “Things happen on Saturdays.”

Datas: “I never drink on February the 30rd.”

Determinadas datas: “Ireland stops to drink beer on St. Patrick’s Day, and on Christmas, and on Easter…and on, and on…”

Ruas Avenidas e Praças: “I saw you hanging around on Augusta Street! Were you working?”

Quando você esta localizando alguma coisa (na superfície): “The book is on the table” “In URSS, the table is on the book

E de AT:

Horas: “I looked the hours at 5:55, and now it’s already 5:55:35, NOW I’M GETTING DESPERATE!!!!!!!!!...Now it’s ok, the waiter brought my beer.”

Feriados: “In URSS, bunnies eat your eggs at Easter.”

Endereços: “Ok, meet me at 666, highway 49. Me?! The devil?!! No….I’m an angel.”

Lugares públicos: “Be careful at parking lots!!! People will kidnap you and steal your kidneys!”

Quando você esta localizando alguma coisa (junto de): “Could you please get my mobile? It’s at the bottom of this well”

E muitos outros agora:

About: sobre, a respeito de: “And Moyses said: That’s a History about a class...”

Above: acima de:“Do the homework!Or the punishment will come from above the skies.”

Across: através de, do outro lado: “I came from across the river, that’s Bagulhos.”

After: depois de: “After ten years…”

Against: contra: “Rage Against the Machine. Why!? it just needs some grease!”

Among: entre (vários): “I’m just one more among the crowd”

Around: em volta de: “Chairs game:Go dancing around the chairs and…Never mind!”

Before: antes de: “Before you start bitching…stop bitching...oh’s not working”

Behind: atrás de: “NEVER!!!!...NEVER!!!!!...stay behind me!”

Below: abaixo de: “I’m always ready for a level below!”

Beside: ao lado de: “My job is beside a pub…uhm…interesting…”

Besides: além de: “I can’t think of anything besides you! Ok, let’s go now?”

Between: entre (dois): “Do you know the difference between beer and pee? If you don’t I’ll never drink at your house!”

Beyond: além de: “Beyond the rainbow there is a rich little damn freaking guy!FFFuuu…”

But: exceto: “Ok, I know everybody here, but that green Elephant…What??”

By: por, junto, ao lado de: “By my side…in the dark of night…I wish you were…”

Down: abaixo, para baixo: “I went all down the street in my bike.”

During: durante: “I meditate a lot during my posts in this blog.Auuuummmm...”

For: a favor de: “Who’s not for us is against us.” “I’m for the people who’s against.”

For: por, para, há (tempo) “The train for Moscow leaves at noon. There, Moscow for the train leaves at midnight.”

“Cold beer is good for health.”

“I’ve known that for ages”

From: de (origem): “Where are you from?”

In front of: na frente de: “To call Blood Mary, you need to go in front of a toilet vase and…Oh…nevermind!”

Inside/outside: dentro de/fora de: “Who sees the inside doesn’t see the outside! I guess it’s the opposite, isn’t it?”

Instead of: em vez de: “You should be doing your homework instead of surfing on the web!”

Into: para dentro, em: “The beer disappeared into my mouth...mysterious!!!”

Like: como: “What’s that like to be alive? Is it fun?”

Near: perto de: “The church is near the pub. That’ll be a mess.”

Off: para fora (de uma superfície): “Here, you fall off the bed, In URSS, the bed falls off you.”

Out of: para fora de: “You are completely out of the patterns of quality and excellency of this school! In URSS, the school is out of the patterns.”

Over: sobre, acima de, por cima de: “There were over 1.000 emos in the concert, their tears flooded everything!”

Over the hills and far away…”

Since: desde: “Eduardo, Rock’n’rolling since march 1987.”

Through: através de: “We swam throught that ******* emo tears.”

Till/until: até (tempo): “I won’t stop living until I die. That’s pretty much it.”

To: para: “I traveled to France last year, or was it to URSS...oops!”

Towards: para, em direção a: “I walked towards the dragon and then I woke up.”

Under: em baixo de: “In URSS, Michael J. is on the bed and you’re under it.”

Up: acima, para cima: “I went all up the street in my bike. Have you read that before? ”

With/without: com/sem: “Tell me who’s with you and I’ll tell you if I’m going.”

“I can’t live / If living is without you” ou “Ken lee / Tulibu dibu douchoo”

Within: dentro de: “Sometimes I feel really empty within me, then I eat, and it’s over.”

É isso ai gente!!! Logo teremos mais!



Um comentário:

Daniel disse...

Grande post! ajudou bastante estava com muita duvida em relação a isso! Valeu Edu! até a proxima :D